KidsKonnect expands business activities by acquiring Social Schools

Haarlem - From Friday July 16, Social Schools will be part of KidsKonnect. This reduces the distance between childcare, primary education and parents. Social Schools is the communication platform in the field of software for primary education.
Social Schools builds software for schools and school boards that promote communication and collaboration between school, home and other stakeholders. It is the platform that facilitates the learning process and makes cooperation in the triangle child, school and parent(s) accessible. The platform offers various apps to professionalize communication and increase parental involvement.
Childcare and education are working together more and more intensively. A good transfer of information and a uniform way of communicating with parents is essential in this regard. Children benefit from good cooperation between education and care because it has a positive impact on the child's development path. Systems should not be an obstacle in this respect, but they should stimulate the exchange of information.
The entire Social Schools team remains actively involved in the success of the platform under the KidsKonnect banner. They will participate in KidsKonnect's mission: to provide the industry with good software, which takes work off your hands, so that our customer can focus on what really matters: the children.
The entire Social Schools team remains actively involved in the success of the platform under the KidsKonnect banner. They will participate in KidsKonnect's mission: to provide the industry with good software, which takes work off your hands, so that our customer can focus on what really matters: the children.