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Vanuit de samenwerking met Gouwe Academie biedt KidsKonnect de mogelijkheid om de methode Leer- en ontwikkelingslijnen 0-8 jaar te gebruiken voor het volgen van kinderen. Dit is een doorgaande leerlijn van 0-8 jaar, waarbij de eerste vier jaren geobserveerd wordt.
KidsKonnect Partners

Gouwe Academie

Leer- en ontwikkelingslijnen 0-4 jaar en Zien! voor BSO in KidsKonnect

See the development lines for BSO in KidsKonnect

In addition to a 0-4 method, KidsKonnect also offers the possibility to use ParnasSys' Zien method for the BSO to follow children from 4 years old. This method focuses on the social aspect, well-being and involvement. If you are an organization that is looking for a way to shape the observation of children for the BSO, please do not hesitate to contact us!

What does the link do?

From KidsKonnect it is possible to make a digital transfer to the school. When it is known which school the child goes to, it is possible to transfer the files to ParnasSys via digital transfer, so that the teacher can continue where the childcare employee left off! Of course, this transfer takes place after digital approval of the parent in KidsKonnect.

Know more?

Curious about what Driestar educatief can do for you? Send us an email and we will contact you as soon as possible.
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