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No child is the same. Doing, Talking, Moving and Maths is a complete child monitoring system with which pedagogical staff can follow and stimulate the development of 0-4 year olds in the areas of motor skills, speech and language, social competence and math.
KidsKonnect Partners

CED Groep

Each observation list consists of concrete questions about the child's behaviour. Complete a separate observation list for each child. If you use all four questionnaires, you have a complete child tracking system.

What does the link do?

Employees receive a signal from the group portal if a child has not been observed for a while. The employees can then easily open and fill in the forms. The forms can easily be shared with the parents via the ParentApp.

Know more?

Curious about what CED Groep can do for you? Send us an email and we will contact you as soon as possible.
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